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Transformational Mitigation, LLC is a mitigation firm based out of Kennebunkport, Maine providing mitigation and sentencing advocacy services for state and federal criminal defense cases nationwide. We are passionate advocates of criminal justice reform and believe that effective and compelling mitigation balances the scales of justice for every person enmeshed in the system. 


Our expertise in working with people from every walk of life allows us to support a diverse clientele in achieving successful legal outcomes and a positive life trajectory. Our training in social work, restorative justice practices, and our experience successfully navigating the evolving sentencing goals of the criminal justice system allow us to apply proven best practices that our clients can count on.


We support the strategy of our client's attorney and work collaboratively every step of the way to achieve the best possible outcome. Our expertise in humanizing our clients through a comprehensive mitigation report is an invaluable advocacy tool at the attorney’s disposal. The mitigation report can be utilized for plea negotiations at a settlement conference, at trial, during sentencing, or post conviction review. Our successful track record of below guideline sentences speaks for itself. 


We are National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA) and National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates & Mitigation Specialists (NASAMS) certified and affiliated members.


We are always accepting cases through Maine Commission on Public Defense Services (MCPDS).


Our Approach

Using a framework of social work and restorative justice practices, we incorporate the components of several different evidenced-based theories into our approach. This expertise is vital to unearthing sensitive but necessary information and understanding its significance in the client’s overall circumstances and life journey.

Providing support and advocacy for the client, so the attorney can focus on legal priorities; working collaboratively within our mastered skill sets to avoid any burnout or frustration.

Training and experience navigating sentencing goals allow us to engage in a collaborative process with our client’s attorney every step of the way.

Proficiency in humanizing our clients through an empathetic narrative supported by witness testimony, visual media, expert assessments, and scholarly research is an invaluable tool at the attorney’s disposal that can move the needle in even the most complex of cases.

Utilizing a team of mitigation specialists with complementary backgrounds and skills as a means of assuring quality outcomes. Empowering each individual to focus on the aligning narrative with a tailored approach, without overlooking any of the necessary details. This collaborative problem solving method sets us apart.

With a focus on compassion and respect, our non judgemental approach builds rapport and trust in the client relationship.

Encouraging and guiding our clients on a positive trajectory and providing emotional support through this transformational process.

A holistic approach provides support to the client as well as their support network. Case management is a social work specialty, and our ability to support, guide, and coordinate care through a trauma-informed approach closes the loop on any concerns that arise for the client and their support system. By positively impacting the client’s social environment it will in turn strengthen their community support.

Our Services

Comprehensive Mitigation Memorandum

Our mitigation reports are heavily researched, vetted documents that fully humanize our client and thoroughly explain the circumstances in their life leading up to their offense in ways that evoke empathy for our client. No stone is left unturned and all mitigating factors are uncovered and described in great details. Collateral evidence of all mitigating factors are included. Our mitigation experts are trained to identify when specific assessments and expert testimony are useful and we coordinate these pieces and integrate results into the report. Compelling letters of support and scholarly research that backs up the narrative are included as well. 

Character Reference

Letter of Support Assistance

We employ our specialized letter writing guide to help collateral contacts develop meaningful and powerful letters to be submitted to the court. These are letters from the heart and authenticity is the most

important factor. Our services include interviews with letter writers to help them find the most powerful subjects to focus on in each letter.

Client Letter of Remorse & Responsibility

The paradigm we employ in our mitigation process is one where we take our client on a journey of enlightenment, self reflection, and understanding. We work with each client to connect the dots as to how their past led them to the present moment. It is a process of developing insight and accountability.

We hold space for our client to feel their feelings; often of shame and regret. Ultimately our paradigm is one of deep inner transformation. A client’s letter of remorse is authentically reflective of this deeply emotional journey. It is critically meaningful to the judge for the purpose of sentencing, parole, or clemency.

Mitigation Video

We have a production team with proven ability to share the compelling and emotional story we uncover and develop through a short film to be used during sentencing or plea negotiation.


*Length varies based upon the case and attorney input.

Alternative Sentence Proposal

Whether your client is awaiting sentencing or is currently incarcerated and seeking compassionate release or parole, we can design a comprehensive plan of rehabilitation and re-entry. Customized plans include mental health treatment (if appropriate) and/or a personalized community service opportunity building on our client’s strengths, past service work, AND that has a direct anecdotal relationship to the offense itself. The plan will show that the client is learning from their greatest wrongdoing and is trying to

use this knowledge to benefit others. If your client is in need of continued services,  treatment, and monitoring we can connect them with the most appropriate resources available to meet their ongoing needs.

Liaison & Emotional Support to Incarcerated Clients 

If your client is currently incarcerated we are able to work with them on a weekly or bi-monthly basis to support the transformative work that puts them on a positive trajectory ahead of sentencing. Through journaling and motivational sessions we work with your client through a trauma-informed lens to connect the dots in their life leading up to the present moment. Gaining the insight to take full responsibility for their actions and feel remorse for their wrongdoing. From there we can do deep healing work of their trauma so that they can be on a healthy and productive path.



We offer a free consultation with each of our clients and their attorney. This ensures we are the right fit for the needs of the case.

Customized Service

We create an individualized plan for each case we take on. The services we recommend aim to present a compelling humanization of the client and an explanation of their offense that evokes empathy and affirms their humanity.


We believe the best outcomes result from working together. This includes all involved parties; our mitigation team, the client, attorney, collateral contacts, etc.


Our Team


Ashley Oettinger

Mitigation Specialist

Social Worker

Meet Ashley, a seasoned Mitigation Specialist with a background in Social Work. She holds an MSW from Hunter College School of Social Work in New York City, specializing in child trauma through the National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) curriculum. Ashley is also certified in mitigation through the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA) and the National Alliance of Sentencing Advocates & Mitigation Specialists (NASAMS).


With over 19 years of experience in the human services field, Ashley has worked in a state correctional facility as a social worker. It was this hands-on experience within the criminal justice system that ignited her passion for mitigation work. Naturally empathetic and driven to help others, Ashley is a fierce advocate for justice. She envisions a shift towards healing and transformation, rather than punishment and retribution, within the criminal justice system. Ashley is a force to be reckoned with in the world of mitigation, bringing a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and determination to her work.


Currently based out of Kennebunkport, Maine and formerly of the Hudson Valley in New York.


Ariel Troy

Mitigation Specialist

Ariel is passionate about public defense mitigation and investigation as well as transformative and abolitionist visions of justice. As an Investigator Team Leader at Brooklyn Defender Services in New York, Ariel mentored and managed a team of six investigators in addition to working on over 550 cases. She has extensive field and interviewing experience on all types of cases. Ariel earned a Master’s in Criminology and Criminal Justice at University of Oxford. She volunteered with Circles U.K., participating in circles of accountability to help reintegrate convicted sex offenders into society. Ariel is a certified crisis counselor with the Crime Victim Treatment Center, where she provided support and advocacy for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in emergency rooms in New York City. Additionally, Ariel has been an investigative intern at the Public Defender Service in D.C. and ArchCity Defenders in St. Louis.


Ariel graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a degree in Conflict Resolution and earned a Masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice at University of Oxford in the UK.

Our entire team of professionals behind the scene specialize in motivational interviewing, letters of support, discovery review, and utilization of scholarly research. We understand the importance of a collaborative team approach and our diverse team members bring unique perspectives and expertise to make a real difference for our clients.

State of Maine v. "TB"

29-year-old client facing charges including VOP and aggravated trafficking. With mitigation, the attorney was able to leverage the Kennebec CARA program. 

"Getting the CARA program is definitely better than I ever hoped for. I really never imagined a scenario where I wouldn’t be in jail or treatment for quite a while. The program is supposed to help transition me back to freedom with housing and other support which is a big relief.

I appreciate all the work you put into making that happen. I’ve never had a person to talk about the events and issues that have led me here and you were always willing to listen, thank you. I believe I will make the most out of this opportunity and hopefully improve the relationship with my family and others. You not only gave me the opportunity but also began that process. When I complete the program, I will make sure to let you know how I am doing.

Thank you for everything." -"TB"

Commonwealth of PA v. "JB"

An adolescent client, "JB", was facing both youth & adult charges in connection to multiple robberies and assault. Their attorney was able to have all charges dropped. With help from their extended family & mitigation recommendations "JB" was able to relocate with family outside of the U.S. on a student visa. 

"I cannot thank you all enough for your work for our family. You really and truly gave this kid a second chance and an opportunity for a new life!  I hope you remember on the hard days just what a difference you are making in this world!!"   -"JB" Aunt

State of Maine v. "JE"

43-year-old client facing multiple burglary charges. A mitigation memorandum was provided for an open plea sentencing requesting CODC. The client was sentenced to 8 years all but 10 months suspended (time served), and granted admission into CODC with 3 years of probation. 

Commonwealth of PA v. "SM"

23-year-old client facing charges that included drug delivery resulting in death.

Our client was incarcerated for approx. 2 years awaiting sentencing. Facing a sentence of 20-40 years. The attorney shared how impactful our mitigation efforts (report, extensive discovery review, and a video) were in leveraging to get the ADA on board for immediate release on parole.

State of Maine v. "JW"

20-year-old client faced attempted murder, elevated aggravated assault, and other related lesser charges. An agreement was made to dismiss the attempted murder for a sentence of 20 years with all but between 2 and 10 suspended. A mitigation report was provided for sentencing. Client was sentenced to 20 years with all but 4.5 years suspended. 

State of Maine v. "AM"

23-year-old client facing charges of manslaughter and drug trafficking. A mitigation memorandum was provided for sentencing which was instrumental in achieving a sentence of 10 years all but 4 suspended. The judge referenced the mitigation memorandum during sentencing.

State of Maine v. "CA"

51-year-old client facing charges of drug trafficking (B). A mitigation memorandum was provided for an open plea sentencing. The client was sentenced to 5 Years, All But 7 Days Suspended, With 3 Years Probation. 

State of Maine v. "IN"

21-year-old client facing attempted murder, agg assault, robbery, and other lesser charges. A mitigation memorandum was provided and a plea offer was accepted for the robbery charge. The client was sentenced to 10 years all but 400 days suspended (time served), and  4 years of probation. 

Commonwealth of PA v. "LP"

24-year-old client facing charges that included homicide by vehicle and involuntary manslaughter. Our client was facing up to 10 years of incarceration. A mitigation report and sentencing preparation were provided. "LP" was sentenced to 7 years of probation with no period of incarceration and maintained driving privileges. 

Commonwealth of PA v. "AR"

34-year-old client with charges of possession of firearms with manufactured number altered, terroristic threats, and eluding an officer. Client served approx. 1 year awaiting sentencing. A mitigation report was provided and the client was ordered to time served with 3 years of probation. 

State of Maine v. "MA"

20-year-old client facing multiple charges including aggravated assault, criminal OUI, driving to endanger, allowing minors to possess alcohol. Mitigation was utilized at the settlement conference and was contributory in receiving a favorable offer from the prosecutor.  

Commonwealth of PA v. "JW"

Client pleaded guilty to (2 counts) unlawful contact with a minor; involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child; and possession with the intent to deliver.

The client was sentenced as follows:

IDSI w/child 4-10 years with 3 years of probation, 1 year of probation consecutive to confinement for Unlawful Contact with a Minor, and PWID 2 years of probation.  

*Attorney references available by request.

Contact Us


Transformational Mitigation, LLC is always accepting new clients.
We believe mitigation services should be available to everyone navigating the legal system at any stage of their case. A package can be tailored to suit your individualized needs. If you have an inquiry please send us a message regarding the case time frame and needs. Every contact is very important to us.

Thanks for contacting us!

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